


Unfortunately, tea ceremony population is declining. After the Meiji period, The tea ceremony became widespread as training for married life and school education. But now, Fewer houses with tatami mats due to westernization. The tea ceremony culture of enjoying matcha has been regarded as important as hospitality to guests, but if the host isn’t enjoying himself, he can’t entertain them. We offer an authentic tea room or a space where you can spend a little extravagant tea ceremony time. Tradition is something that should be preserved, but it’s also required to change with the times.
Those who want to use the unused tea room again. Reconstruction and restoration of the tea room we propose tea ceremony houses that can be closely related to daily life such as new construction and renovation. We also help plan tea ceremonies and run children’s tea ceremony classes to make the most of the tea room.
An organization that promotes traditional Japanese tea ceremony
We are reviving unused tea rooms and building new ones. We are also putting effort into nurturing Human Resources who can take over the architecture of the tea room. Please feel free to contact us as we also support consultation such as relocating tea room overseas.


講師:カワカミ ユキヲ



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TEL 089-910-7377  FAX 089-910-5680
Since 2023-05-01/ Copyright Tea room Promoting OrganizationrAll Rights Reserved.